Japan: Mt. Fuji and Unzen Volcano

Lees has worked a lot over the years in Japan. He collaborates with researchers at NEID, Dr. Motoo Ukawa and Eisuke Fujita. The work involved imaging the region of the South Fossa Magna, the area around Mt. Fuji. We also did tomographic inversions at Mt. Unzen before it erupted in 1991 killing 30 journalists and volcanologists.

See these papers for details:

  • Lees, J. M. and M. Ukawa (1992): The South Fossa Magna, Japan, Revealed by High Resolution P and S-Wave Travel Time Tomography, Tectonophysics, 207, 377-396
  • Ohmi, S. and J. M. Lees (1995): Three-dimensional P and S-wave velocity structure below Unzen Volcano, J. Volc. Geoth. Res., 65, 1-26
  • Chung, T.W., Lees, J.M., Yoshimoto, K., Fujita, E. & Ukawa, M., 2009. Intrinsic and scattering attenuation of the Mt Fuji Region, Japan, Geophys. J. Int., 177, 1366-1382
  • Unzen Volcano
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